TV news clips here:

But my first love is piano....

I did the illustrations and wrote a song in my  book - which uses a cute cartoon animal                 to  teach children to  believe in themselves and reach for their dreams. 

              I also present interactive school assemblies based on my book                         to encourage and empower kids to pursue their passions in life.

Longer version of   "The Ocean".....

                                            I wrote a children's book called, "Follow Your Dreams!".....                                                                   My potbelly pig, Pickles and I drove from NY to LA in 2000                                                         to see if  "Pickles"  (the cartoon)  could get on the  Disney  channel ! 

I wrote a theme song for a screenplay about my great, g.g.g.g.g.g.g. uncle ....                                      American  Revolutionary War Patriot Nathan Hale

                If the right DANCE pop producer remixed it -  maybe it could become the song that unites the world :-)                                                                             People could make their own "SuperModel" videos ! ?                                                                                              I have the Data Files.... it just needs to be remixed with an updated dance beat !

My interpretation of "The Queen of the Night" by Mozart.....

              A song I composed and's supposed to be a funny pop song!

A Gospel song I composed......

"The Trumpet Shall Sound" from the Messiah by Handel....piano accompaniment 

Recorded in Ecuador.....

"The Ocean" Etude by Chopin....

Sadly, Pickles my pig, passed away, but her Spirit lives on !!

I studied classical organ at  Juilliard and  hope to play the "Widor Toccata"  at Westminster Abbey someday...